Saturday, November 05, 2005

~~~ hmmm ~~~

i've been thinking~~~ well ntg actually~~~ yawnz~~~ i'm just kinda bored~~~ like now~~ i'm super bored~~~ so yeah~~~ hmmmm wat to write??? blah~~~ it's just another boring blog~~~ ntg to say wei~~~ sooo let see.... wat else to ponder about~~~ oh just remembered~~~ sumone ask this question~~~ why is Santa Claus not stated in the BIBLE???? hahha~~~ well it's not stated because it's not lar~~~~ like duh~~~~ but think about it y not???? hahha~~~~ well just think bout it~~~ prob u'll come out with a good answer and soon another question will be ask and it will go on forever and ever and it keeps going on and on~~~~

Take care, have fun and enjoy!!
~WalTer~GlowIng in RadiaNce~

Thursday, November 03, 2005

~~~ LIGHT ~~~

well~~~ it happen yesterday on wed nite~~~ in church~~~~ hahaha~~~ hmmm~~~ yeah to the story~~~ we were having fun practicing dancing and suddenly~~~ there was this flash of light~!!!!

not like car flash like dat but like camera flash ler~~~ it seems like tehre is sumone taking pictures of us~~~ and soooo as we look around~~~~ nobody having a camera~~~ nobody hp got flash light~~~ sooo it must be????? hmmmm~~~~ oh well~~~ sooo it was a bit scary lar~~~~ and there is a prayer room on da second floor which ppl will go in and pray like a secret place for u to pray like dat and as i looked up~~~~

aaaaahhhhh~~~~~ ahahaa no lar ntg happen just dat it's kinda scary lor~~~ to look into a dark room~~ ahaha~~~ and yeah~~~ soon later i heard voices~~~~ ok i'm not crazy or anything but i just hear sumthing saying like cancel the dance practise lar~~~~ no point doing it~~~ everyone is scared~~~ cancel it!!!! and that very moment i know that the devil have been doing sumthing!!! and so i just calm myself down and prayed in toungue~~~

and soon later we were back to dancing mood~~~ well just a reminder that the devil is in a constan irritation and try to destroy God's plan~~~ and the devil will always or most of the time attack on the leader~~~ and now i understand how important to pray for leaders~~~ divine protection~~~ Health~~~ wisdom~~~ faith~~~~ etc. we must pray all this elements and bless the leaders~~~ yeah esp to pastors and cell leader~~~ coz they are under constant atk~~~ pray for them!!!!!

well~~~ take care

~WalTer~ GlowIng in RadiaNce~