Thursday, February 21, 2008

~~~ Stress~~~

Lately i've been showered upon tons of assignments!!! and those things just need hard work and effort to dissappear~!!!! sigh~~~ lab reports~~~ and making up test and quizzes~~~ it's kinda driving me crazy rite now~~~ plus also setting up appointment with proffesors and tons of mid term comin my way~~~ i can really say it will be stressfull!!!!

How i wish i just can be at a tropical beach~~~ sun shine and gentle sea breeze, cocktail drink in a cocunut or pineapple and RELAX~~~~ haha i missed the vacation to langkawi~~:D oh well~~ i guess that only happens after i get back to m'sia.... neway, on the brighter side~~~ Spring is round the corner!!!~~~ flowers are starting to bloom!!!! thumbs UP!!!^^

the downside.... rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! zzzzz


Blogger Unknown said...

flowers? what flowers?

12:46 AM  

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