Monday, May 22, 2006

~~~ oppps~~~

ahahha was to add sumthing but forgot~~~ so weird to recieve a comment which actually promoting uni seats!!! ahahah under the two months comment~~~ i wonder do everryone have it there or only me is having??? ahaha it will be so weird!!!! and also~~~

Irene~~~~ ur blog looks awesome!!! spending sum time doing it eh??? b4 that is like u got to click and it pop-up or sumthing like dat~~~ i got blur fer a while there~~ ahah didn't know wat am i suppose to do~~~ but neway well done with it!!!!

btw guys~~~ i think i'm gonna put up a tag box~~~ still remember the last time i did!!!! ahaha next time i check back it's gone saying i'm a bad user coz didn't have anyone taggin it ahaha~~~ hmmm will think bout it!!!^^ neway everyone take care, have fun and ENJOY!!!

~WalTer~GlowIng in RadiaNce~


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