Monday, March 20, 2006


DOMO~~~ ermm hello everyone~~~ hm~~~~ love love love, what can i say about it???? i can't explain it coz nobody have come out with a right defination now!!!! sum ppl will just say or more like reapeating wat other ppl say on the internet~~~ "ur in love when u just looked at her while talkin to ur friends" or sumthing like "ur in love when u like to tease her" and all other stuff!!!! but then is that wat really love means????

well, prob u'll say sumthing like "when u love sumone, u would sacrifice almost anything for her, regardless how stupid or dumb it sound like" well, i agree to that. pls note that will not be my defination but it's part of my def and i agree coz most ppl say LOVE IS B-L-I-N-D!!!!! soo now prob u'll be wondering what is my def of love is, right???? let's see, how shall i define love.......

hmmmm..... i'll just say love is really weird to me~~~ coz to me~~~ i want to be loved but yet i dun want to be loved, understand???? guess not~~~ i just can't define love!!!! and yet the best love is GOD'S LOVE!!!! coz His love is an UNCONDITIONAL love!!!! isn't that nice???? He loves u when u do good or bad, He loves u in almost any worst thing u do in life!!!! it actually saddens Him to see u go to hell~~~~ sooo it's like wat u'll feel when u see the one u love is taken by someone which u think it's better for her to have me rather than that guy!!!!

well, i know love have four different type of love~~~ first is God's Love, then its Intimacy love, then followed by family love and lastly friends love!!!! (quoted from my cell leader) i'm not sure if i get the sequence right~~~ maybe there is no sequence~~~~ oh well but i'll jsut arrange it like dat~~~~ sooo i'm sure all of u understand the three love except Intimacy love!!!! well Intimacy love is the kind of love that attracts opposite sex~~~ yes yes in easier terms is BF and GF relationship~~~~ i dunno y but i think intimacy love is quite important~~~ and if there is younger or underage boys and girls reading this, pls and pls and million pls do take note that u can forget bout family love and go for intimacy love~~~~ must learn to prioritized which love is more important!!!!

well i guess that's all.... i know i didnt explaine much but oh well~~~~ lalala~~~~ and also today in library~~~ i saw my classmate studying for the upcoming mid term exams (Linear Algebra)~~~ she was lookin through a refrence book~~~ aight, the leturer did told us question will be TRUE & FALSE quest!!!! ( hurray!!! TRUE & FALSE quest for MID-terM!!!) ... soo after bout two min or so~~~~ she came to me and ask me "How come the books dun have any TRUE or FALSE question one ah???" that moment i stunned there lookin at her and i was speechless~~~ common sense will tell u that maths are more calculation then true and false!!!! sooo i went "of coz the book dun have lar~~~ the book is just giving u question to solve and not ask u to do true false question!!!"

well dat's all~~~ thx for reading~~~~
~WalTer~GlowIng in RadiaNce~


Blogger .:: irene ::. said...

konnichiwa!! ^-^ eh, what happened to your chatterbox? wait.. did you even have one? hehe anyway, go get one!! i wanna spam on your chatterbox XD

oh yeah, love is such a complicated thing. but i know that i like God's love. His UNCONDITIONAL love rocks! =P take care!

oh, and thanks for posting your encouragements on my blog. it really is encouraging me to blog more. LoL!

10:58 AM  

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