Monday, January 28, 2008

~~~ Where?~~~

Hello everybody~~~ haha not sure if anyone is still reading this~~~ but in anyway~~~ i manage to keep it that every month at least i blog one entry~~~~ ahahaha...

neway~~~ Just wanna say I dunno where my heart stands now~~~~ not saying that i'm going to draw away from God~~~ i'm still standing with God!!!! just that the other part of relationship~~~ i really want to stand on one side but i'm still unsure if it's what God wants!!! I guess i'll just wait....

well on the other side~~~ i Got a job!!!!!! weeeee~~~~ working on campus!!!! soo yeah now working in the computer lab.... and wat do i do???? hahaha ~~~ not much stuff... just answering the door and i think that's all!!! ahahhaha:D soo yeah~~~ till next time i blog~~~ have fun!!! peeps~~~~ HCNY!!!!


Blogger The Traveling Phoenix said...

congrats on the job walter =)ummmm ya first time i've seen this web site think I will take a look around and see what needs to be done If I were to start one myself...

7:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mmmm...cookie...wait have you been in the states long enough to see cookie monster??? *sigh* yet another comment that has gone over the heads of those I intended to act silly for. *sigh* oh well laters

7:50 AM  

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