Tuesday, June 26, 2007

~~~ amazing~~~

hmmm i got a feeling this morning the skill will fall down~~~ i dunno why but then i woke up blardy 7 am!!!!! wat the heck????? i'm on hol!!!! not really supposed to wake up at this hour~~~ ahahha~~~~

well partly the reason i woke up this early is actually thanks to my roomate~~~ my roomate kinda like having a ceremonial for the ants that invaded the kingdom of dried papaya left opened on the kitchen counter~~~~ the ceremonial was a bang!!!! i mean literally a bang~~~~

he killed the ants not by wiping off using a rag but with his bare fist~~~ bang bang bang on them~~~~ and that woke me up~~~~ well still alongside with bangs i have a really crazy neighbour which happily lighted fireworks at 5 am in the mornin!!!!! just not any fire crackers~~~ but like during chinese new year the long red one~~~ think direct trans should be sumthing like a horsetail like dat~~~ not sure but yeah~~~

and them being the smart one~~~ after all the explosion~~~~ one of them~~~ laughing and at the same time asking:" DUDE!!~~~ wat the f**k was that???? hahhaa really wat the f**k was that"

and me in the heart said: "DUDE!!!~~~~ that was a f**king fire crackers that u let out at 5 am in the morning!"

sigh~~~~ americans~~~~
~WalTer~GlowIng in RadiaNce~


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